Hi Gabe,
You always have the latest news regarding banana taxonomy.
From the four M. itinerans forms I mentioned two are subspecies (because you have not correct me I assume xishuangbannaensis is not a full species
) and two are varieties or cultivars.
Does this cultivars are linked to any of the existing or new proposed subspecies?
Hi Erlend,
I agree with you that the soil looks too compact.. .but it is no mine (Thank you in any case for your advice)
I am using for all my potted bananas (also for my heliconias and aroids) a mixture of 1/3 perlite and 2/3 ‘Compo’ substrate so I can easy control de moisture level. What are you using for yours?
Hi Bigdog,
I have an adult M. itinerans ‘Yunnan’
a 10 cm. seedling M. itinerans ‘Indian Form’ and seeds of M. ‘Burmese Blue’ and M. itinerans ‘Gigantea’.
I am very interested to know what your experience is regarding the cold-hardiness of the ones you have
Good luck with your seeds ˇˇˇ