Hi all,
Thank you Gabe, for clarifying the varieties question.
I think
M. itinerans Yunnan’ is not
Musa itinerans var. xishuangbannaensis but a smaller form. Some people said it coul be the same banana as
M. yunnanensis but I have both and it do not seems it to me. I will try to post a picture with both plants side by side.
I get my
M. ‘Yunnan’ in 2001 from Kobakoba in UK and this was the available information at that time:
“This is an enigmatic plant, no-one yet knows quite what it is¡. The seed of this banana species was collected “at high altitude” in Yunnan province in China and offered to Toby Spanner (..) as Musa wilsonii. Toby (..) gave it the provisional name ‘Yunnan’ pending formal identification.”
‘Yunnan’ is an attractive slender plant with distinctive blue-green leaves on long petioles and a somewhat waxy peseudostern. The undersides of leaves of leaves on some plants have a distinct red flush when young,”
Some time later it was identified as a
Musa itinerans
Here is a link with some additional information:
Unfortunately my plant nearly died
during a very cold winter two years ago and although recovered, has not yet flowered.
Thank you Carlos, for the information regarding the cold-hardiness of Musa BB. I hope it could also survive with a few less degrees, I can have lower temperatures (-5ºC / 23ºF)
some few days during winter
http://www.tropengarten.com/ is also selling
M. itinerans seeds from India but it is also in German.
Instate of ordering the seeds trough the sun-shine on-line shop you can e -mail them in english at
info@sunshine-seeds.de (I did it in the past asking for additional questions).