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Old 06-17-2009, 02:56 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Default Re: Canna virus getting me down.

Originally Posted by sunsetsammy View Post
For the past 3 years I've been collecting bananas, cannas and other tropicals. Each spring I've been dividing and increasing my stock and now I have quite the jungle going.

Sadly though I've come to the conclusion that most (probably all) of my cannas have the dreaded virus. From the research I've been doing regarding the virus it seems that it is almost impossible to acquire healthy cannas through nurseries and garden centers as they are all infected. These stores just continue to sell infected plants.

So far almost all of my plants still appear healthy but are indeed showing some signs of the virus on their leaves. I've had a few plants that were looking really bad and I quickly isolated them and eventually tossed them in the garbage.

This really sucks as I'm going to have to either give up on cannas or start all over again.
hi sorry to hear about that i had the same problem last year,and i did have a lot,i bagged them up and threw them out,i had to start from new with seeds,have you any pics of the cannas that are diseased that we can view?hope all goes well for you
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