coming here to learn and share
I am brand new to the world of bananas, except for eating them of course.
I live in Northern Arizona, on the border with UT. We are in the high desert at 4800 feet. The maps say we are zone 7 or 7-8. One of our greatest challenges with most fruits is not the level of winter cold but the late frosts we get after early warming spells.
I have always enjoyed gardening and have gotten to a place in life where I can settle down a bit and dig in.
I love bananas but never considered growing them as I didn't think there was a chance that I could in this area.
The idea that I could have some dwarfs and winter them indoors got me searching and led me here. From the little that I have read so far, it seems that there may be some cultivars that might survive here, in the ground? (with or without protection?)
So, I am hear to glean what I can from others' wisdom and experience...and as I gain some to share with others.
Thanks for the nice forum that so many seem to contribute to.