Originally Posted by Dalmatiansoap
Wow, terrible, we never had earthquake stronger than 5 Richter, and even that one we got with the 20 year long step among them.
So you are okay, kids and wife, all ok? Hope it is. Could have ended badly, your region doesn't have many antiearthquake buildings, does it?
I don't know what the hell is going on with this climate, but I suspect that someone's working with technology beyond anything we can imagine. I read just yesterday, that Russian military succesfully tried heat sink.
Ante, do you remember from the school what heat sink is? Theoretically, you take heat (or energy) from one place and you put it simewhere else (for example take the heat of your riviera and put it on a glacier in Antarctica).
They semed to have developed such a technology, I watched a short video of a scientist in a conference in Prague about 4 month ago and he (Czech) claimed to have seen such an experiment.