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Old 06-24-2009, 10:58 AM   #12 (permalink)
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Default Re: advice on first nanas

Thanks all for the feedback and well wishes. I don't even have a banana yet, and already am getting addicted.

We do freeze hard here every winter, but we generally know about it long before it happens. The spring frosts are the tricky ones.

(This spring has been strange, much cooler than normal and more rain storms. We have been getting rains, like our summer monsoons for over a month..usually they don't arrive until July.)

I will more than likely winter them indoors this winter, those that fit ... in my house, if any are too big... in my shop.

I want them to fruit. Am I be better off to bring them in for winter and keep them growing as much as possible..and take them out in the spring? Or would it be better to make them go dormant for winter and replant them in spring?
I have heard of a grower or two in the central valley in CA. Does anybody know somebody there that may have a California Gold pup that they would part with? My sister lives in Turlock (I used to and worked in Modesto) and my parents are going to visit her next week. I would love to find somebody with a pup that they could bring home.

I have read all that I can find about the Dwarf Orinoco and the California Gold. Several people have stated that they are one in the same. Others insist that they are not. Also, I have seen venders selling California Gold that, as best I can tell, different than those that I have read about in CA.

Thanks for all the info...I guess that I will really have questions in a while...when my plants are here and growing.

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