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Old 11-04-2006, 04:25 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Bamboo Banana ??? Uknown SP.

Well I grew this from seed out of China and figured it would be much like all my other bananas. It grew fairly fast with a bit pinkish at the base of the trunk I also noticed distinct flaps on the stems mulch like I see on basjoo which is what helps me ID it from others. But the flaps on the stems here seemed to dry up almost right off the bat. So with many of my bananas I figured I would dig it up for winter as it has not yet been tested and I had far to few to spare. Once I started to dig up the plant I noticed something very odd I was cutting on something far out on the edges. After raising it form the ground I noticed large rhizomes coming from the banana into the soil. I decided I would see were they went and started digging them out. Most were 3 to 5 feet away and around 1 to almost 2 feet underground. They seemed fiberous like basjoo and around the size of my wrist and a bit flat. This might be one of the strangest form I have run into. I left a few rhizomes in the ground to get tested and dug the rest. Has anyone seen anything like this form? The photos attached show the whole plant then a pic of the rhizomes cut off of it.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg Florida trip 2006 892 (Medium).jpg (62.4 KB, 118 views)
File Type: jpg Florida trip 2006 894 (Medium).jpg (95.5 KB, 117 views)
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