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Old 11-04-2006, 10:40 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Default Re: Bamboo Banana ??? Uknown SP.

Brian, that looks like Musa itinerans var. xishuangbannaensis (Musa itinerans var. gigantea). I have one, not quite that size yet, but the reddish-yellow colors on the pseudostem are identical. That is the one that grows to 40 feet. Coincidentally, it is also the banana that a lot of seed sites and some banana sites (including Agri-Starts) have pictured as Musa itinerans, but actually are offering something completely different. The Musa itinerans they offer only grows to about 15 feet of pseudostem, has a waxy, bluish cast to the pseudostem, and red on the underside of newer leaves. I can't wait to get mine in the ground next Spring! I've seen pups come up over 6 feet away from the mother corm. Give it some room!
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