I know this is off topic, but I sent some naners to Kalabrian today (Grand Naners to be precise
) as a part of the trade for his lovely plant (next in line for trade are Ante, YAKUZA... and the list goes on and on... so that no questions arise
), so we will see some pics real soon, at least hopefully.
I used 2 special casings, which were the remains of a plant shipment I once got about 3 years ago. Ever since they proved to be very useful, when I had to take some plant with me somewhere and it travelled in the suitcase (guess what I was doin'
). It's not easy to obtain them and one must be very careful with them, but I thought what the heck and packed everything up so, that the plants should get to Kalabrian without any scratch (without any new scratch that is, they were slightly sunburnt and also one or 2 leaves broken from previous shipment, but you know what I mean).
I wonder, whether they arrive in perfect conditions or the casings simply crush so many times, that they do some damage to the plant. I'm already working on a way, how to make the plants suffer the least yet prolong the shipping survival rates.
Kalabrian, it's up to you to post the pics.