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Old 08-21-2005, 09:09 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Musa 'Bordelon' fruiting ?

Hi all,

Has anyone fruited this and can comment on whether or not it is truly an edible or seeded variety? I don't have this yet, but there are several large stands at the LSU trial (only 6 varities, being tested as landscapers). They were starting to bloom last time I was there and I must say its a very ornamental inflorescence.. pendant, but on par with the upright ornamental types. I recall it being mentioned as a possible hybrid being M. acuminata and ornata or velutina?? The true source of it is still unknown, but if it was a hybrid I have a feeling it was not introduced into Louisiana but created there, and i have a guess by who as well (might have its brother/sister ). So, all of this to ask does anyone know if this thing produces seeds? or if its classification is known ie, AA, AAA, or whatever? If it produces large, edible fruits than that would kill my guess on its origin.

Tim Chapman
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