Originally Posted by harveyc
68 hot dogs is pretty incredible, but it's something I can at least understand. About 30 years ago there was a TV story of some guy on that drank huge quantities of beer which I really couldn't believe. I remember he'd slam a large pitcher of beer down in a couple of seconds. Then he drank a pitcher of beer standing on his head in what seemed like a few seconds (I doubt these were done back to back in real life so the broadcast probably made a bigger impression on me than it may have in real life). I just tried seeing if I could find something like this on YouTube with nothing comparable to what I saw back then. This was some ordinary-looking guy that didn't come across as a big beer drinker, etc. I drank 64 ounces of beer in 5 minutes once (over 30 years ago) and it immediately made a return visit!
I think you are talking about this gentleman. He has passed away, unforetunately....talent like this comes around oh so rarely.
Bill Foster (performer) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia