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Old 07-08-2009, 06:24 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default re potting....need help

I have never re potted a banana.

I picked up a dc yesterday, from the local grocer. It was over watered and under potted.

I think that it may have a case of root bound going on. It is in a 6" pot. P-stem is about 14" tall and has about 2.5" diameter at base. There is a small pup coming up.

What is the best way to re pot it? Should I just take it out of the other pot and put in the new? Should I do anything to the 'root ball'?

Any feedback appreciated.

You know that you are an addict when you 'rescue' a nana from the grocer...two weeks after being inducted into the world of nana newbies.

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