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Old 08-21-2005, 04:04 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Default Re: Musa 'Bordelon' fruiting ?

I have some references to a few M. coccinea crosses, however its aggravating as some have footnotes in later references saying that some of the M. coccinea were actually M. laterita! Some are definite M. coccinea crosses, you probably have one of those texts (cytogenetics of the genus musa i think).

For fruiting ornamental hybrids, M. beccarii should be considered as I think it has the largest fruit of any of the ornamentals i've seen. M. coccinea fruit can be decent sized (a bit large than M. velutina).. but you rarily see those fruit... weird looking seeds too. I'm starting some tetraploid stuff soon, first 4 species have been sown, hopefully I won't be gone when they all sprout this time !!! If you aren't 'learned up' on conversions, let me know i'll send some info on treflan conversions, it should be pretty easy with musa.. just don't think anyone has tried yet. I have the material, just need to time it right.

There are sooooo many worthwhile crosses to try, endless dreams and possibilities!! I've said for awhile that the ornamental musa will be the heliconia for zone 8.. maybe 7 too. just need to make all these things!

Tim Chapman
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