Originally Posted by LilRaverBoi
Someone please correct me on this if I'm wrong....but water suckers are perfectly fine to grow into new plants.
That is my experience.
Originally Posted by LilRaverBoi
Sword suckers display more rapid growth (which is why they are used solely by plantation owners) but water suckers will grow up to be good plants as well, right? I'd say leave em on there....your plant isn't on a plantation, and the pups aren't draining the growth of the main plant.
Yeah. The OP is in Ohio. I grew up in Michigan and after college I lived just north of Indianapolis, IN for 14 years. So I know the climate of Ohio. He isn't going to be competing with Dole or Chiquita unless he takes that pot and heads down to Costa Rica, or Belize or something. So he might as well enjoy growing the tropical plants and not worrying about how strong momma will be 6 or 9 months from now ... 6 months from now, momma is going to be stripped of leaves and in a dark corner of the basement or in a pot in the living room begging for more light.
I'd get the pups bigger, then potted up separate, and then come winter he will have several (genetically identical) candidates to make it through the winter. He can keep one inside, one in the garage, one in the basement, etc. and learn how to over-winter them and the re-acclimate them to outdoor conditions come spring. Once those kinks are worked out he can push them for the 2 or more years it will take to fruit at his latitude.