Hello All. It is freezing cold in Indiana, about 41* today but probably warmer than it normally could be. I have my first banana plant, given to me by a neighbor, didnt know what to do with it, brought it in when the cold weather was coming, put it in my basement and kind of forgot about it ( I have NO Green Thumb)...noticed yesterday it has some kind of purple looking thing hanging from one of the leave stems, actually so heavy that it is pulling over the entire stalk, so I staked it. Noticed another smaller baby plant was growing in the corner of the container, tried to dig it up to transplant, but it broke off. Still stuck it in some dirt in another pot..don't know if it will grow without any roots, but oh well, next time I will dig deeper! So wondering if this purple thing will turn into bananas or what? Now the container has 2 stalks, one bigger than the other, smaller one has 3 leaves on top, some browning up and down both stalks like leaves drying up. Trying to research as much as possible since i know nothing about this type of plant. It was given to me in a 5 gallon pickle bucket, and I am sure it needs a better home and better soil, but not sure what to do with it. I do not have a green thumb...I can kill a cactus just by looking at it!
Hope someone can help me out...dont know what kind it is either, but I can take a picture of it and post it for identifying.