Thread: Red Abyssinian
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Old 07-22-2009, 08:51 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Default Re: Red Abyssinian

Originally Posted by Annie6078 View Post
The first symptoms were brown ends to 2 leaves, but it was still producing ever-larger leaves & height at a good pace. Then one leaf had an entire side of the length gone and 2 leaves had a few holes and brownish tips. The longest I had gone without checking the plant was only 2-3 days max, so whatever it was was fast.

Next, while still seemingly healthy (strong base, erect leaves) any leaves it was trying to produce became smaller and smaller -- then slower and slower to even produce any. It is either a single plant that whatever is bothering it is contorting into being pretty deformed, or has a pup that is so close and tied in that it is hard to tell if it is truly a separate entity. Either way, the last two stubs of leaves it produced were short, tiny & rather curly (inward from the tip and ruffly along the edges, not the usual downward curl as they unfurl).

Again, the overall plant seems healthy enough with good color and shine to the pseudostem and seems strong, it's just becoming curly, stunted in not producing any further leaves, and looking a bit deformed. It's the weirdest thing I've ever seen happen to one of my bananas. Still, no damage whatsover to any surrounding bananas of other varities.

Thanks again for any assistance,
How hot is it there its normal for bananas to slow down substantially in temps over 95 and if its hot its not feeding properly either so the leafs can start to get smaller
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