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Old 08-22-2005, 07:38 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Talking My intro - Anna's Banana's!


I will try to make this short. It all started out with a 50% off sale at a local nursery in the summer of 2002. My husband and I saw this banana plant and thought it was nice. Brought it home and I planted it. (I'm the gardener in the family) I loved watching her grow and pup. In August of 2003, I noticed a different looking leaf, which turned out to be a bloom! I didn't realize that we could grow bananas here, so I was really excited! People kept telling me that if the fruit survived the winter at all, that it would be small and probably not edible. WRONG! We had approximately 60 bananas, that were a nice size, and most definitely edible, that we picked in the spring of 2004. Summer of 2004 brought three fruiting plants, and we had about 150 bananas! So now I am hooked. I don't have nearly the collection of most people here, but am looking forward to obtaining as many varieties as I can.

I have:

Ice Cream
3 Unknowns (One from Puerto Rico, one a gift from the Philippines, one from eBay)
Praying Hands
White Iholene
Williams Hybrid
"Florida Sweet" (eBay seller called it this)

Can't wait to get more! We have a very large yard, and since I do all of the yard work, my husband doesn't care what I plant, which is great! I did have a gardener to help for awhile, but when he cut down four of my banana plants, bye-bye!!!

Anyway, looking forward to learning all I can here. Thanks for the great site!
-Anna Banana -

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