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Old 08-01-2009, 12:01 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default U.S.A. Bananas : Truth or Adoption?

To add to the seemingly endless list of nanners I've encountered, I recently checked into (thanks Cowboy) a species called "Texas Star" & one called "Carolina King". Both are reputed to be great south & southwest nanners but when I surf the net, all I can find is bits of info & two, somewhat shady, nurseries that even know they exist. Strange.
Are they True N. American species or simply other species Renamed. Would appreciate any info and/or insights into this mystery (and a good place to procure them, if possible).

Here they are (what little info I could find):
Discovered in Wichita, Texas. Survived the record winter 1983-1984 freeze of 16 degrees F to return the following summer & actually produce a crop.
Plant grows 6-8 feet tall & produces (what appears) a Chiquita sized nanner. Grows fast in May then flowers & produces bananas in early fall.
Appears to be 16-20' tall & hardy in Zones 7-10. Appears to produce large, yellow bananas & sexy women in bikinis (interesting ad ).

If anyone knows anything about these, I'm very interested in them (I didn't say the bikinis... but who knows ) and would sure like to clear up this mystery & buy some.
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