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Old 08-01-2009, 06:40 PM   #6 (permalink)

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Default Re: U.S.A. Bananas : Truth or Adoption?

Those 2 shady nurseries are part of TyTy Nursery, in Ty Ty Georgia, they are notoriously bad. There are a few postive stories about them out there, but the overwhelming majority of them are negative. There website is quite laughable really, hard to tell if its a nursery or a terrible modeling agency TyTy Online Plant & Fruit Tree Nursery: The Nursery at TyTy . They have something like 10-15 different names they operate under with different websites, possibly different locations too but all basically the same. Im not sure how they were setup, but they had one of the worst ratings and the most negative feedback of any nursery on Daves Garden Watchdog before they were forced to take down the reviews due to some threat of suing I think. The only positive reports that used to be on the watchdog site were posted by employees of the company trying to make it look like there were actually happy customers. Guide to Gardening by Mail, Mail Order Gardening, and Catalogs, there still may be traces of them on the site though, so look around, or just Google Tyty Nursery and you will see what kind of reputation they have (Is TyTy Nurseries legit? - Georgia Gardener Forum - GardenWeb).

As for the plants, I don't know what either of those varieties really are, but the names were made up by the nursery and the plants are likely something that is commonly available, possibly just Orinocos (since they are pretty hardy, very common and seem to be gain new names easily). The pictures and information on their websites is so poor that you cant tell what the plants actually are. They often have terribly photoshopped photos of different varieties, photos that dont even relate the plants at all, and nonsense information.
Growing bananas in Colorado, Washington, Hawaii since 2004. Commercial banana farmer, 200+ varieties.

Last edited by Gabe15 : 08-01-2009 at 06:50 PM.
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