Re: Planting depth problem?
You don't have to but it would be good to wait until it cools down considerably, below 56 degrees or so, to dig them up. Dig where you filled the hole to or 6 inches out. Dig it up - and be sure to dig the entire thing - under it and of course all the way around - and when you plant it plant it at or slightly above the grade. It's OK if it's a little high - you just don't want it low. And throw a little bit of time release fertilzer in the hole before you plant them.
Make sure you water it. You might need to lightly prune it too, for example, any water suckers coming off the main stalk or branches that have thin dangling canes. If you were to dig it up while it's hot out, which you can, root prune it first by taking a sharp shooter and cutting a circle around the tree and then dig it up in a couple of weeks. And if you do dig them up while it's hot out you'll want to fill the hole it is going in with water before you put it in and fill in.
If it or they are citrus do not mulch on the root ball but instead mulch around the root ball.