Re: siam ruby problem
hmmm thats not the kind of brown spots i was thinking it was i thought it was more like browning on the edges thats defiantly spider mites spray with insecticide at 5 days intervals its important to do it at 5 days repeatedly until they stop as there life cycle runs 5 days and if you go longer the Little babies will lay more eggs and there in you all reinfected again be sure to spray soil and pots and floor around pots the craw after all there just like spiders
Heres what i know in a nut shell about SR and mind you this is mainly from watching my plant they like heat and i mean they like HOT heat mine doesn't grow well until its 90 or more they even do well here in 105 growing happy as a clam also iv noted that they like fertilizer more then any other Banana and i have many dozens of variety's they need a considerable amount of sun they will not turn deep red with out Sun although many people say they also burn and at the first of the year they do burn but they adapt after a wail there leafs get thicker and tougher the more sun they are in to a point i wouldn't put it in western sun thats to hot for any banana at least in my climate I live in the middle of the Mohave so most sun isn't comparable except say on the equator were the sun is the most intense on earth i water my SR 3 times a day when the heat is over 100 2 times from 90 and ones a day at 80 but thats my rule with all bananas here in the dry summers i just want to clear up one myth SR are like any other Banana mostly theirs no mystery to growing them like any Banana their some of the easiest plants on earth to grow other then grass LOL Crab that is LOL the thing to remember about Bananas is they all grow so fast that they have thees cycles of looking raged it doesn't mean the are dieing
and lastly not to be harsh but thees are food plants not house plants they are not going to look perfect unless you live in their natural climate so worry over ever spot and imperfection is just a wast of your love plant them water them every day and feed them monthly with a good quality high volume plant food like 10-10-10 or 20-20-20 keep them as cool as possible in the hot summers and as warm as possible in the cold winters and they will do just fine iven if they look like hell
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