Originally Posted by Vickie H.
Salty my Avalanche tuber did not sprout this year. My Foxfire did, I save the tubers and store them for winter. If no tubers I try to cut the plants smaller and put them in aquariums. I put them in aquariums with lights heater and filters and fish. I have some succes on wintering them over in aquariums.
This is exactly what I did (in an 20 gal long aquarium), and they looked fine until the last few months they just dwindled away. I did put them out in the pond (they were in their pots all winter), but nada.
My pond is approx. 1,000 gallons. Its rock lined over the liner, and has a waterfall to a 6 ft. stream in to the pond. Depth in the deep part is 2 1/2 to 3 ft.Have around a dozen fish in total, mostly goldfish (sarassa, calico, and fantails), 3 small butterfly koi and about a dozen fathead minnows. In the pond I have growing currently....1 hardy lily, 1 lotus, Pretoria canna, Thalia dealbata, Colocasia esculenta Illustris, Lobelia cardinalis, calla lily, parrot's feather, dwarf umbrella, Sarracenia pitcher plant. I have lots planted around the pond, but as they're not in a bog, they're regular trops and semi trops. There are pics in my gallery and my Flickr and Webshots pages.
I love my pond!
edit- here's a small pic of the pond.
Men In Nursing- "A Few Good Men"
"Gardening is the purest of human pleasures." - Francis Bacon
"If by a liberal, they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind; someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions; someone who cares about the welfare of the people, their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, their civil liberties; someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicion that grips us; that is what they meant by a liberal, I am proud to be a liberal."
John F. Kennedy, September, 1960
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