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Old 08-06-2009, 02:04 AM   #16 (permalink)
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Default Re: How Harvey packs banana plants for shipping

Originally Posted by Patty in Wisc View Post
quote from Benny;
"And you are right it is a bad thing to remove all the soil."
Benny, I never said it's a bad thing...I was just asking about it.
All 3 of us grow citrus & we could never ship them like this...meaning dry, bare roots. They would die for sure! Nanas must be pretty tough if they can handle this.
Thanks to you guys for your input. Let us know how the plants got there & how they do OK?
Think about scion wood, then put that thought toward banana corms (bulbs).
I dug up several Ice creams, ran an ebay auction for three days, gave some of the ones that didn't sell to members and friends, left the others on the outdoor dining table for a week in 95+ weather with no roots at all, planted those after a few weeks, and now have several nice plants after only a few weeks of their being planted.
Weird thing is, several members were looking for these and I had trouble giving them away :P
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