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Old 08-07-2009, 07:11 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Default Re: gardening back pain

i have had problems with my back i was an armature body builder for 15 years i can tell you from my experience 50% of back pain is do to weak back have you tried any exercises they can be immensely helpful in the long run but do take time to work depending on how strongly you adhere to the regiments taking a course in how to bend and lift as well as working low sit down as much as possible wail you weed try not to bend over with out slightly bending knees also have you had your knees looked at a good potion of chronic back pain comes from mechanical disphuctioning of the knees hips and feet believe it or not some times a good orthotic for your shoes can give grate relief this would be my advice as always consult a physician before Starting an exercises regiment also and this is one that is vary hard to convince people of diet playes a mager roll in how we function and heal the average American has a horrible diet devoid of most of the miner and mager minerals and nutrients do you eat allot of sugar? sugar has been linked to chronic inflammatory syndrome as well as salts do you get enough potassium in your diet eat bananas heheh or if sugars not a problem Black strap molasses has over 300mg per tbsp sorry if that is allot of info but it can be a multi issue problem particularly as we age
how old are you? what kinds of physical work do you do on a regular basis
i don't mean to be ignorant but are you male or female have you had children thees are all important factors in are physical health
thanks for letting me ramble
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