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Old 08-11-2009, 08:58 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default 100% Free Ice Cream 'Blue Java' Contest!!!


Proletariatcsp's 100% Free Ice Cream 'Blue Java' Contest for Aug-Sept 2009 HAS OFFICIALLY ENDED.

Winner will be announced Aug.26 pending total count! Look for the winning guess to be highlighted in the running count below. Thank you all for participating in my contest! ~ChrisP.

Today starts my first "Finger Count" Contest. One winner will receive his or her choice of a 1-2ft Ice Cream 'Blue Java' pup with leaves intact or, a 3-4ft corm!

To make things fair and alittle interesting, I have included a few rules that may differ from previous contests. (Please read them before posting).

1. Now I know many of you already have your own Ice Cream banana plants. As you can see from the pictures above these are a taller, medium size banana at 14-15ft of pstem in only its second growing season. Still, if you'd like to give your prize to someone else, I will gladly mail it to their address as long as it is in the US.

2. We are well into the '09 hurricane season here in Florida. And there is a good chance that severe weather could end the fun. So, let's keep our "fingers" crossed and hope we see a good show of hands!

3. I will give away an Ice Cream pup, either 1-2ft w/leaves, or a 3-4ft corm. It's your choice at no cost to you, and I will pay for all S/H within the US.

4. The contest is open to all members, however, unfortunately due to US regulations of plants I cannot ship outside the US . If any International members participate, you may give your prize to another member if you win.

5. Guess the total finger count.

6. Contest will run until all hands have emerged, at which point, I will announce a winner on this thread, and also notify the winner via IM.

Good Luck Everyone! and please feel free to leave your questions and comments with your posts.

Running Finger Count

Sirmoebly: 75


Tarheeldiver: 92

Matt18e: 100

Mckoinld: 101

Simply Bananas: 111

TGirl09: 113

Jrozier: 118

Fishoifc: 127

Randy4ut: 128

Guerich: 135

Rscotth: 139

Djmb74: 142

BananaAddict: 145

Patty in Wisc: 146

Supermario: 149

Alexizhere: 150

Cvalentine: 153

Janana's Bananas: 157

Bepah: 160

SWRancher: 163

C21H3002: 164

Damaclese: 165

ArchAngeL01: 168

Blake09: 170
1st 13 fingers
2nd 15
3rd 16
4th 16
5th 16
6th 16
7th 16
8th 16
9th 16
10th 16
11th 14

CookieCows: 172

Taylor: 173

Figafita: 175

Ron mcb: 179

Hammer: 180

Bluesky: 182

Lagniappe: 185

Kim: 187

D & T: 190

Browndrake: 191

Paula: 192

IndianaSue: 193

Klemmthamm: 195

Frog: 197

Lorax: 199

John ny: 200

Stumpy: 205

Banfan: 207

Mjdsinsacto: 209

Sunfish: 210

Steven Valys: 212

Conejov: 213

Buckeye: 215

Austinl01: 217

Colldp68: 218

Alvarasstuff: 220

Buzzwinder: 222

Dalmatiansoap: 224

Briancoconut: 226

R3tic: 227

Revensen: 228

Snc: 230

Bch Grl: 232

Saltydad: 234

SoBe Musa: 235

Jack Daw: 242

Cowboyup4christ: 246

Willow87: 256

Last edited by proletariatcsp : 08-27-2009 at 08:12 AM. Reason: Contest ended
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