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Old 08-12-2009, 11:13 PM   #18 (permalink)
The news from Dicky Beach
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Default Re: gardening back pain

I broke my back playing rugby in the 70's - and have suffered ever since. I can walk, used to run and play cricket and touch football in the years after I broke my back.....

as I get older the arthritis sets in and caring for my back is more and more important

couple of suggestions:-
know your limitations and know when to stop

stop at the first twinge - it will only get worse

don't be ashamed to stop doing simple things because it hurts - pride stuffed my back on many occassions

take it easy - the besy thing about gardens are most plants want to live and no matter what you do or don't do they will last until tomorrow when your back is feeling better
The universe is my eyes and ears. All else is hearsay.
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