08-13-2009, 05:12 PM
#2 (permalink)
I think with my banana ;)
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Re: Banana Chain....
Originally Posted by Randy4ut
Okay, got your attention? I know this should probably be posted in another section, but I wanted as many eyes to see this as possible. I need everyone's input!!!!! Someone contacted me with an idea that may be fun for alot of people on this forum. But, there could be some problems with it and I wanted to get everyone's input on it that cared to give me their two cents worth.
Anyway, here goes:
The banana chain would go something like this. Say 100 banana (or some amount) bucks to post..first person posts a banana plant they are seeking, second person to post send a corm to the first person and then posts a banana corm they are seeking. Third sends a corm to 2nd and posts a corm they are seeking and so-on. The person sending the corm would be responsible for shipping charges.
Okay, there would have to be some kind of rules in place and it would only work as long as folks kept it going. The chain would be broken if no one was willing to share a banana that someone else was looking for. I also think that what the person was looking for would have to be fairly common and not something like an aeae, which by the way, I would gladly pay at least 5000 bananabucks for!!! Anyway, I know for us climatically challenged folks, the growing season is drawing to a close fairly soon, so we would either have to have some way to overwinter, or jump in the chain come spring.
I think this could be fun, but I know there can be some problems with it. Please let me know what you think and if you would be interested. Any and all input is appreciated.
That's a nice idea. Go on...