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Old 08-15-2009, 07:23 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Oil and Water.(Conventional vs. Organic)

The basics of organic gardening is simple.
Organic gardening focuses on life in the soil, we "feed the soil".
Conventional gardening feeds the plant directly, it is the chemical salts the plants are actually consuming.
This is the distinction between the two. This is also the reason why feeding a 15-5-15 chemical salt, essentially broke the very first rule of organic gardening. That chemical salt is meant as nutrition for the plant, not nutrition for the life in the soil.
Anyone who tells you differently is wrong and is displaying a lack of education of the "soil food web".
The two systems do not compliment one another. It is very much a situation of trying to mix oil and water.
Nature is trying to work in one aspect, and humans are trying to work in "our" manmade aspect. Man created one system, nature has been doing its own system, without the need for human interaction... forever (roughly 2-3 billion years).
Organics is nature, everything else is not organic.
Old growth forests are great examples of this and why the need to "feed" plants is a fallacy.
Nobody ever poured chemical salts on those trees for nutrition, so where did this "food" come from that allowed such growth for all these years?
The answer to that question is a cycle of life, known as the soil food web.
Soil Foodweb, Inc. is a research lab with some excellent research materials. We will be discussing these materials from here on.

But for now, the dinner bell is ringing.
Class dismissed till we return.

Tonight's homework question is
"In the old growth forest, where did all the nutrition for 100's of years of growth come from?"

Garden Gnome is not the answer either
"You gon sit at my table Judas!!!!!"-Kat Williams
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