Originally Posted by banfan
I have seen this happen just once before and I just thought it was a freak happening; but now that I have seen it again, I am bewildered. Can anyone help me out?
The cigar leaf gets so big it droops over as though it were a full leaf, and never unfurls, preventing the next cigar leaf from coming out straight. What is this behavior called, what causes it to happen, and what are the preventative measures I should take?
its perfectly normal for leafs of the Musa to occasionally get stuck inside the older leaf thats coming out. Banana just grow fast and some times they get so fast it over take its self. i don't think theres any thing to worry about. it mostly happens in the mid juvenile stages. but can happen any time some times they will get stuck down in the P-stem and burst out the side this happens! theirs absolutely nothing you can do. if you are vary worried about it you can free them by had some times but i always end up riping a perfectly good leaf that way. its the nature of such a highly hybridized plant 10,000 years of human intervention doesn't always make things better.