Originally Posted by Richard
Mitchel, you are correct about the effects of glyphosate on contact with all of the above. However, after application glyphosate breaks down with a 1/2 life of 2 hours:
in 2 hours: 1/2 remains
in 4 hours: 1/4 remains
in 6 hours: 1/8 remains
in 24 hours: below toxic levels for all of the above.
Responsible application is the key. And for heavens sake, don't drink it!
There seems to be a lot of conficting data on the half life. Most that I seen is much longer than what you have suggested, including data from the state of CA.
Originally Posted by Richard
Monsanto's patent for glyphosate ran out decades ago.
This is true and it's speculated to be the reason for the creation of Roundup Ready crops.