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Old 08-22-2009, 08:51 PM   #61 (permalink)
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Default Re: Oil and Water.(Conventional vs. Organic)

The truth is if organic fertilizers like cottonseed meal were as cheap as available and as effective I would use them--I don't have anything against them, but I would have to drive 50 mile to get such materials in addition to the fact that they cost more and work more slowly. The most effective organic material I get is my neighbors grass clippings--once composted it is about as good as manure.
Exactly my point. I applaud anyone willing to try and grow things without adding a single thing to their soil, but in reality we all need something. We can pay an arm and a leg for what is "sexy" at the moment...or we can go with what is economic while still taking quality into consideration(only because nowadays we have many options to choose from AND lots of good sources for information)

As for the info momoese posted... I think I summed it up about right. Sure I dumbed it down, but in essence, it seems as though mismanagement of nutrients is the main problem in that example.
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