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Old 08-24-2009, 06:26 PM   #103 (permalink)
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Default Re: Oil and Water.(Conventional vs. Organic)

I would so love to grow Blue Barries but have not tried as my soil PH here is 7.5 are soil is 80% gypsum i mostly take it out of the planting holes an throw it away I've tried amending it but i just cant get the Ph below 6.9 and thats with 4 applications of sulfur and iron a year hardly seems worth it

I know try Potting them up! i could but with the water at a firm 7.0 PH id have to correct every time i watered again it just seems its not meant to be

so in the end i have to learn to like what grows in my neck of the woods or should i say Cati LOL
At least i have Bananas Right?
it accrues to me that when one is talking soil theirs just so much you can do to affect the native soils there are many factors as to why a particular soil is the way it is water seems to me to be the biggest influences as to Ph at least its hard to change something if your are continually give inputs that are contrary to your goal
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