Originally Posted by sbl
I think you have it exactly right. You feed the soil organic matter--it greatly improves the soil properties. You feed the plant fertilizer--there is nothing in triple 13 that is toxic when taken up by your plants.
Not that there is anything wrong with triple 13, but I will say it again that organic matter like chicken, cow, horse manure, gauno, blood meal, alphalpha meal, etc etc etc, does feed the soil and the plant. Is it as fast acting as trple 13, no it's not, but does it feed the plants and the soil, yes it does. It took years of adding organic matter to my hard packed clay to get the soil I have now, it's not an overnight process. When I first planted I mixed 50/50 with the existing soil. Again I'm not looking down on your choice of chemical fert, just your matter of fact statements that are not true.