Originally Posted by kelvin
Ok I am not sure if this is how its done but I do now habe more Pics in my photo gallery. Sorry im new at this stuff.
Nothing to apologize for, I messed up worse than that when I started
The way the photo's code should read, for this pic is:
[IMG] followed by "http://www.bananas.org/gallery/watermark.php?
file=21654&size=1" followed by [/IMG]
Now just put it all together without the "followed by"s, spaces, or quotation marks and that's what you should see in your post.
If not, simply edit it.
I had to explain the string in parts cause if I typed the whole thing all connected together, all you'd see is the photo of your plant.
Hope this helps
EDIT : BTW, the "&size=1" part reduces the photo to the typical "initial" gallery size.
And Benny's right. I created a gallery of my own called "Thread Pix". I reduce the size of my pics to sizes I want to use in specific posts. A little extra work, but worth it.