I've grown IC's, with over-wintering, very successfully for 3 years now and I'd be happy to help as much as I can.
For starts, this late in the season, it would be better to put it in a large pot. That will prevent a secondary transplant shock when the time comes for over-wintering. Bigdog had the best idea on watering. He said never water them during the winter, let the ground dry up. I was using severely reduced watering. If I'd followed his advice, I probably wouldn't have lost an IC to corm-rot this year. Feeding, during winter, should also be very reduced - since it will be dormant, the extra fertilizer can only serve to burn the plant. Also, my IC's grow in full-day sun with high-heat & do fabulously.
Think you'll Luv IC's. Not only do they make great-tasting nanners but are also highly wind-resistant due to the root structure.
As far as getting the corm started for the last part of summer, Jack Daw (and I'm sure some others) is great at working with corms. I've never had success starting a corm, myself.
BTW, Congratulations