Re: Musa Dwarf Cavendish finally blooming - quick question about the bunch
Originally Posted by JCDerrick
One other question while I'm thinking about it. The last few years I've had these DC's I've always dug them up for the winter. They are getting awfully big now and I am curious if they'd possibly survive my winter here? I know it's border line, so I'd at least split a pup off before trying it. Any thoughts on their chances here?
DCs are total wimps. Even I have trouble with them when it gets to 29/30 with frost cover. Had a couple survive the cold only to die to rotting from cool rain over a month period (although always above 35F).
Average January Low: 40°F, Average August High: 95°F
Typical Low Each Winter: 28-30°F, Typical High Each Summer: 108-110°F, Annual Precipitation: 22 inches