I guess from the silence that is a NO! That's OK no hard feelings.
But in case anyone is interested, I have spoken to the Texas Department of Agriculture and Texas A & M. I'm getting a referral letter from the department of agriculture and have been invited to A & M by the head of the agriculture department to check out the studies they currently are working on with cold tolerant bananas and papayas. They do not protect them or dig them up for the winter - it has been a 4 year study so far. I will be able to find out what I need to do next with their advisement. They are very interested in the Texas heritage aspect, and I will be speaking with the horticulture specialist and head of that department next week (he was out of town this week). I was told he co-founded the Antique Rose Emporium. I am sure this will be a long drawn out process but it should be interesting and fun! ~JaNan