Originally Posted by bencelest
To add: the main stalk if you leave it and do not cut off completely all the way to the base but leave about 3 feet of stalk or so will serve as a source of nutrients for the pups for them to grow quickly.
I can second that. I was experimenting with a couple bananas and wrapped one to protect it from cold--the other was left unprotected. Both stems had pups about 1/2 as tall as the main stem. The protected one survived and put out a new leaf without being cut back--other other one didn't, so I cut back just a foot or so to try to get it to come out (it didn't). The pup on both stems started growing without cutting, but the one attached to the one that was cut back started growing really fast--it is now bigger than the stem that was protected--nearly twice the diameter and a little taller with hugh leaves.