Re: Bug and Pest Ridding Tips...
Some of my extra information copied from another thread of the same topic...
Forget about commercial pesticides!
: O
Here's what to do about your aphid problem...
Get yourself a mist bottle filled with dish soapy water and spray the entire plant from top to bottom - getting the top as well as the undersides of the leaves, and stem and branches too.
Let the soapy mixture sit on the plant for 5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with a hard spray of water. Repeat in about 8-10 hours. This will rid them.
To prevent them from returning and building up, you must shower the plants 2-3 times a week until they see that you are not going to give up and they will move somewhere else. Consistency is the key. Sometimes daily showers are needed, if they are a real problem.
The regular showers will blast the few buggers that are trying to build up again right off the plant! They never have a chance to take over because you are always coming at them with water. Helps with mites too.
: )