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Old 09-04-2009, 09:01 AM   #6 (permalink)
The Hollyberry Lady
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Default Re: Bug and Pest Ridding Tips...

Please allow me to share my personal experience with commercial insecticides...

In a nut shell, they cost a whole lot of money, do a whole lot of damage, and still don't rid the problem entirely - sending you back to the store repeatedly, to shell out more money!

: O

Using natural deterrents such as the ones I described above, are far less expensive, far more effective over the long run, and wont damage your plants or soil. Do not waste time or money shelling out for insecticides, when dish soap will kill aphids just as effectively.

Plants that are susceptable to mites, aphids, or whitefly, should be showered once or twice weekly to prevent infestation from returning. In fact there is no better bug ridder or deterrant than a simple consistent hard spray of water! It will blast the bugs right off your plants. Be sure to spray the undersides of the leaves most especially, because this is where bugs tend to take up residence.

Keeping bugs at bay, is an ongoing process. Even pesticides do not prevent bugs from returning. I am as relentless as the bugs are, with my showering, dish soap, and spice concoctions. Frankly, bugs are a thing of the past for me, both indoors and out.

Hope you guys will try some of my tips and see for yourself. Just remember to be consistent and you will win the battle. It might not be easy, but it works.

: )
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