Re: Musa Dwarf Cavendish finally blooming - quick question about the bunch
Six months? Holy cow... I might have to try and dig it up then for the winter and just pray that doesn't disturb it too much. At least then it could continue development in my garage under the halides - though that's a drastic reduction in light.
Anyone think that'll work? Or would I be better just protecting it from early frosts and then cutting the bunch off before the first bad freeze? Last year that came early in a VERY cold November for us.
Ultimately it sounds like I'm gonna need to split pups if I want DC's next year regardless - I doubt they'll survive our winter here if they are big cold wimps. Despite their short heights, I love the huge leaves, so I'd hate not to have them.
Malama 'Aina
Normal Jan. Low: 34°F, Normal Jul High: 92°F
Coldest: 16-20°F, Warmest: 98-103°F
Annual Precip: 48 inches