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Old 09-13-2009, 08:53 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Default Re: Ae Ae's are so beautiful!

for some reason I'm always bucking the majority but my AE AE is as ease to grow as any other Banana i have my plant potted its close to getting root bound I'm sure but its going to have to wait until spring for a planting i water my Ae every day twice a day in the heat over 100 the only thing iv noted thats in any way different is there more sensitive to Fertilizer you can over do it easily they do appear to grow slower but they put out bigger leafs then most other Bananas so that takes longer right so there really not growing slower just bigger

I mite be a weired but all plants have a vibe to me you can feel when there happy and defiantly Bananas feel different then any other plants i have they feel like there leafing to me i know sounds crazy but thats the way i feel so i don't care if any one thinks ill of me for it when a plant grows that fast it makes them seem more animated so i think i endow them with intelligence that they don't really have its hard not to there like the super stars of the herbaceous world and as far as i know theirs only a few people here in Vegas growing them so that makes them even more special to me
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