Thanks Guys! Aaron I'm glad your daughter liked them, they would be a bit cheaper then ae ae too! LOL.
Here's where the heat cables came from, I have two 48' cables under them. I haven't shut them off! They do have a thermostat that shuts them off at 74 degree though. They can't be on all the time I don't think. I figured they would be best for spring and fall. If one of the cables runs full time for a month at 15 cents a kilowatt hour it would be about 18 bucks a month, the biggest cables are 168 watts. I could deal with that for sure if it would get me 20' nanas which it will next year pretty easily I would say. I don't think my bill is all that high and I have 3 more under my washys too, which put on some nice growth for being here! I'm sure they won't hurt me in overwintering them too. I want to save five feet of trunk, that's my goal for this winter. This link is the cheapest place I could find them.
Economy Plant Soil Heating Cables | Heat Mats & Heating Cables | Growers Solution