At my local Lowe's all fruit trees and plants are 50% off. I bought seven ultra-dwarf apple trees. These are apple scions grafted on m27 rootstock. With the sale these tiny trees were a little over fourteen bucks each. I have (3) Fuji, (2) Anna, and (2) Dorset Golden. There should be some good pollination between those varieties. I also purchased two Chandler blueberry plants. These plants are reported to produce the largest variety of blueberry. I hope so, I could live w/ b-berries the size of cherries. On sale these were $3.50 (+ tax) each.
These Ultra-dwarf apple trees will be kept about five feet tall. I hope to get more and plant them in rows, orchard-style. I have wanted to have a mini-apple orchard in my small backyard since I viewed a web site called Gene's Backyard Orchard. Here is a link:
MidFEx presents Gene's Backyard Orchard (Introduction) - 97 dwarf apple trees in 2500 square feet