The part of the yard where I planted the fruit trees measures about 20' x 60'. For most of them I have built individual canopies to provide relief from the intense heat in the middle of summer here in Bakersfield. I must say that it has worked OK, I'm getting longan fruits, and the mango and starfruit trees look pretty healthy. The recently acquired jujube, cherimoya, guava appear to be fine as well. However, I still get some leaf burns when some branches stick outside the canopies.
I'm tossing around the idea of using steel plumbing pipes to assemble a framework that is 6' high and run the entire length of my yard. The vertical pipes can be maybe 10' apart. Then I can fasten plant shade cloth to provide what will effectively be a roof. In the winter time, I can remove the cloth or keep it on for freeze protection.
Does this plan sound reasonable to you guys? Or is it unnecessary? Do you think I have too much free time on my hands?
Foreground is a mango, then longan, Australian cherimoya, far end is avocado.