Thread: making it hard
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Old 09-17-2009, 03:17 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Default Re: making it hard

don't get all worried you will learn threw time how to best firtalize your plant the best advice i can give any one and this goes for all plants is watch them closely see how they respond to light heat cold water or Food they will show you if they are happy by growing well and vigorously if you do something and the plant doesn't respond or looks weirs then don't do that again its that simple its sorta trial and aror when you are new and if you kill a plant don't get discouraged buy a new one and try again sooner of later you will figure out how to best take care of it

Bananas are really vary hardy tropical plants the grow fast and die young thats there way so

I hope that helps i know it doesn't specifically answer you question but other on this thread already have i thought you sounded like you could use a pep talk more
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