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Old 09-20-2009, 11:48 PM   #1 (permalink)
Patty in Wisc
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Default How to overwinter begonias?

They look so pretty, I hate to leave them for winter kill. I overwintered them once before -10 yrs ago, but forgot how I did it. Do I pot them & put in sunny window or store in basement? Store I hope!
Right now I have Easter lily & hyacynth in fridge crisper to flower this winter & spring, & my amaryllis (4th yr) is ready to go in dry peat in basement (to sleep) for a Dec/January bloom. It'll be nice to have these bloom again next summer. Thanks!
Got a lite?

Patty in Wisc has sadly passed away 9/05/11. We will miss you Patty.
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