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Old 09-25-2009, 05:49 AM   #2 (permalink)
Jack Daw
I think with my banana ;)
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Default Re: Storing bananas in a Cold space for the winter

Originally Posted by edd82 View Post
Sorry admin I know you moved me to the European section but I think this question deserves a wider audience since not just people in Europe have to deal with the cold!

So I ask again, has anyone tried storing their bananas in the loft (roof space) during the winter? I've read that many of you guys n gals in the US dig up your nanas, remove the mud from the roots and store them under the house for the winter. Apparently they go into a type of stasis and will come to life again in the spring. Has anyone any idea what temps they need for this method to be successful and whether I could do this in the UK?

Thanks and sorry for repeating myself but I really think this is an important question as many of us need to know different ways of getting our precious bananas through the winter so please don't move me again admin
Basement is more practical, since temps there are more-or-less the same year-round, however when you heat up your house in winter, you could easily bring the under-roof part to more than 15°C very fast. And that could pose a problem.
Thnx to Marcel, Ante, Dr. Chiranjit Parmar and Francesco for the plants I've received.

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