Re: New Basjoo Wintering Questions
Everything you are doing sounds good. The older leaves will turn yellow, but new ones will adjust to lower winter light levels. If it looks green it will continue to grow in your house throughout winter. Man I hate winter!
I have 15 basjoo's over wintering inside that are actively growing. The older leaves are dying, but the plants are growing at about 1/2 speed relative summer. My maurelii is my fastest grower which grows as quickly inside in winter as it did in the middle of hot humid month of August. I recommend this as the #1 indoor banana. Super dwarf Cavendish’s are the worst! All three of mine choked and I had to cut the stem off. When the temperature warms up in march I will put my plants into the greenhouse.
The one thing you must watch out for is Spider mites and White fly's. I have a small infestation of mites that I have managed to bring under control with End-All spray. It's not the best product since the mites come back. I am going to try to track down some eucalyptus oil. Spider mites do not like this and the oil will stick to the leaves which should repel them for an extended period of time.
Anyways, I hope this helps! Cheers, Ryan
Last edited by banana_fun : 01-19-2007 at 11:06 PM.