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AaronTT 07-11-2020 05:41 PM

I was a previous member named Bamboo connoisseur, but have since had my old email acct deactivated. So I have decided to start a new one. My name is Aaron.
Currently I have growing: Florida tall green Cavendish, Black Thai, Manzano apple, and a dwarf Cavendish. I hope to aquire Namweh, both the regular and dwarf Gros Michel, Grand nain, Mysore, Goldfinger, Pisang, and more.
Right now I have the tall green Cavendish fruiting as well as an apple. The apple fruits seem quite tiny compared to the other.
I also grow other plants such as mangos, including Orange sherbert, Valencia pride, Maha Chinook. I grow avocados too, including bacon, and my personal favorite the Brogden. I also grow many types of bamboo including some of the largest bamboos known such as Dendrocalamus giganteus. I also grow other edible plants.
I look forward to good conversation, trades and such, and learning. Thank you for such a great site, and helpful people.

AaronTT 07-11-2020 07:44 PM

Re: Hello
I do have pups available for the apple manzano, and Florida large green Cavendish. Black thai pups will be available soon, and will be reserved for trade

smeash 07-11-2020 10:09 PM

Re: Hello

Originally Posted by AaronTT (Post 332663)
I do have pups available for the apple manzano, and Florida large green Cavendish. Black thai pups will be available soon, and will be reserved for trade

Hey Aaron.. welcome back! I would certainly be interested in a thai black pup should you get one, and I have plenty of tall namwah to trade if you were interested. Where are you located? Thanks!

AaronTT 07-12-2020 03:36 PM

Re: Hello

Originally Posted by smeash (Post 332667)
Hey Aaron.. welcome back! I would certainly be interested in a thai black pup should you get one, and I have plenty of tall namwah to trade if you were interested. Where are you located? Thanks!

Thank you. I am from central Florida in Geneva.
That trade sounds great! I will let you know as soon as I have a pup available. It should not take long.

smeash 07-13-2020 02:19 PM

Re: Hello

Originally Posted by AaronTT (Post 332677)
Thank you. I am from central Florida in Geneva.
That trade sounds great! I will let you know as soon as I have a pup available. It should not take long.

Do you have any pics of your thai blacks? Do they really have a black pstem? Some of the photos ive seen show really black features, and some are very minor.. was wondering what real ones actually look like. Thanks!

AaronTT 07-19-2020 11:54 AM

Re: Hello
Hello, yes they do have a good deal of black to dark deep purple on the p-stems and leave stems. It darkens until about medium to tall stage and then the stem becomes more green as it matures. It will retain the black leaf stems though. I am trying to upload a couple pics, will do so once I can.

BrownEyesBlueJava 07-19-2020 12:23 PM

Re: Hello
Hi. Welcome back.

I'm in Sanford. Have Orinoco for sure and 5 others I purchased that are undetermined: Manzano, Gros Michel, Namwa, Majoi and Pisang Raja. Would be willing to share with u when I'm sure of ID's. The Raja fruits and looks more like a Manzano. :eek:

Here's to the Manzano being something else I like. Frankly, I won't complain. The Orinoco was a gift and I wouldn't have chosen that variety. Turns out it's quite tasty and I can't wait til they ripen (2 bunches as I write).


Originally Posted by AaronTT (Post 332677)
Thank you. I am from central Florida in Geneva.
That trade sounds great! I will let you know as soon as I have a pup available. It should not take long.

AaronTT 07-19-2020 12:44 PM

Re: Hello

Originally Posted by BrownEyesBlueJava (Post 332880)
Hi. Welcome back.

I'm in Sanford. Have Orinoco for sure and 5 others I purchased that are undetermined: Manzano, Gros Michel, Namwa, Majoi and Pisang Raja. Would be willing to share with u when I'm sure of ID's. The Raja fruits and looks more like a Manzano. :eek:

Here's to the Manzano being something else I like. Frankly, I won't complain. The Orinoco was a gift and I wouldn't have chosen that variety. Turns out it's quite tasty and I can't wait til they ripen (2 bunches as I write).

Hi, nice to meet you.
I hope they turn out to be true. Thank you for the offer, and hope to share a few pups.

AaronTT 07-26-2020 04:12 PM

Re: Hello
I just added to my collection in ground, Double mahoi, Mysore, Patupi, Sweetheart and Xl Orinoco. I will be putting Nam wah in ground soon.

Backyard Banana Joe 07-26-2020 06:06 PM

Re: Hello
Sweet! :nanadrink: :08: :woohoonaner:

Captvik 07-26-2020 09:36 PM

Re: Hello
Hello Aaron! Welcome back!


AaronTT 07-27-2020 09:24 AM

Re: Hello

Originally Posted by Captvik (Post 333153)
Hello Aaron! Welcome back!


Thank you!

AaronTT 08-04-2020 06:18 PM

Re: Hello
I have been on a roll just like butter, lol. I just picked up my first I'holena, which is tigua. Also picked up Dwarf brazilian, Klotek, and Goldfinger. I have a rare Fe'I coming too. Looking forward to sharing and trading pups.

Backyard Banana Joe 10-04-2020 07:53 PM

Re: Hello

Originally Posted by AaronTT (Post 333531)
I have been on a roll just like butter, lol. I just picked up my first I'holena, which is tigua. Also picked up Dwarf brazilian, Klotek, and Goldfinger. I have a rare Fe'I coming too. Looking forward to sharing and trading pups.

Has the fe'i come yet? What kind?

AaronTT 10-05-2020 09:38 PM

Re: Hello
I did, but killed it lol. It is a Fe'i aiuri. I made the mistake of leaving it in full sun, and it was a tc. Its a disappointment, as I really wanted this type of banana. You live and you learn. I will try again.

Backyard Banana Joe 10-06-2020 01:21 PM

Re: Hello

Originally Posted by AaronTT (Post 335587)
I did, but killed it lol. It is a Fe'i aiuri. I made the mistake of leaving it in full sun, and it was a tc. Its a disappointment, as I really wanted this type of banana. You live and you learn. I will try again.

That sucks. But hey, I killed two Ae Ae by NOT putting them in the sun lol :ha:

AaronTT 11-08-2020 12:25 PM

Re: Hello

Originally Posted by Backyard Banana Joe (Post 335600)
That sucks. But hey, I killed two Ae Ae by NOT putting them in the sun lol :ha:

Let hope you get another chance in the spring.
I am awaiting 3 new arrivals, a Kru, Haa Haa, and a
Ele Ele "Hawaiian Black" from a reputable source. I am super happy about acquiring all 3.

Backyard Banana Joe 11-08-2020 05:27 PM

Re: Hello

Originally Posted by AaronTT (Post 336571)
Let hope you get another chance in the spring.
I am awaiting 3 new arrivals, a Kru, Haa Haa, and a
Ele Ele "Hawaiian Black" from a reputable source. I am super happy about acquiring all 3.

I still have a green one that is slightly variegated. That is awesome! Congrats on the new varieties!!! Woohoo!

Snarkie 11-09-2020 10:36 AM

Re: Hello
Welcome back aboard the Banana Express! :nanerwaveytrain:

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